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Day 114 - 08/22/11

There are many reasons people do a 365 project.  For me, it's an exercise to try to overcome perfectionism.  I wanted to do a 365 long before I ever tried it.  My main reason for not trying was that some days the pictures would suck.  Then someone pointed out that by avoiding the bad pictures I was also missing out on the good ones.  Day 24 is a good example of that.  So, here is a bad one that it pains me to post but it's the best I have.  For more about constraints fueling creativity check out this video.


Georgina Illingworth said...

Funny you should say it's a bad one, as I really like this. I think it's the colours

Unknown said...

Thanks for the encouragement. I guess I have to remember that everyone's taste is different. I really like my picture from this Friday Day 118 but I'm sure there are a lot of people who don't.
Maybe I can think of this one as a historical record of these little trucks used to deliver the mail. They won't be around forever.

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